A place to buy meteorites . . . or just learn about them . . .


This is the Web's oldest and best place to buy meteorites. We have good photos of all our specimens and lots of information about meteorites--dozens and dozens of pages all linked together to teach you about meteorites. On the web since 1995.

I will be traveling from now until February 14. Go ahead and email and I will get to you message as soon as I can.


Meteorites for Sale. Enter here and learn about meteorites on your way to the web's best meteorite catalog. Learn about Meteorites. Here are answers to some of your questions and links to other sites.

Meteorite Books--and more This links to a list of meteorite books--and my comments on them. (I'm gradually adding to this.) . . . And equipment too.
(As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

The Moon! You probably never thought you would be able to hold a piece of the Moon in your hands—now you can!

These little meteorites are about $4 each ($25 minimum) Click here.

Hand Lens--$25

Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites

by O.R. Norton & L.A. Chitwood,


This is the best meteorite book for meteorite hobbyists.  

Fresh iron meteorites 2 grams to 10+ kilos

Do you have a rock that you think is a meteorite?
Find out for sure. Check out our step-by-step
Meteorite Identification Pages
A suggested gift: Put a meteorite in a membrane box--~$60 and up for Canyon Diablo, $35 and up for NWA 869, $80 and up for Sikhote-Alin ($45 for fragments).
This is star dust! The most primitive matter in the solar system
The Tagish Lake Meteorite.
(Temporarily out of stock)
Re: Yea yea nay nay

OUR METEORITES. Click on the meteorite name to see a photo catalog.
COLOR KEY: Ordinary ChondriteCarbonaceous ChondriteIron Stony IronAchondriteMars, Lunar R-Chondrite , G-ChondirteE-Chondrite; ITALICS= Witnessed Fall.
  • NWA 15468 OC4 Chondrite
  • NWA15864 CR2
  • NWA15868 CO3
  • NWA16879 Martian shergottite
  • Oum Dreyga H3-5 Chondrite
  • Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron
  • SAU 001 L4/5 Chondrite
  • Sericho pallasite
  • Seymchan IIE Iron/Pallasite
  • Sierra Gorda 009 G-Chondrite
  • Sikhote-Alin, Iron Fragments (Ogg)
  • Sikhote-Alin, Individuals(Ogg)
  • Swayyah 002 (Martian shergottite)
  • Tahoka L4 Chondrite
  • Tambo Quemado IIIAB Iron
  • Tamdakht H5 Chondrite
  • Tassédet 004 H5 impact melt
  • Tatahouine, Achondrite (Diogenite)
  • Tsarev L5 Chondrite
  • Turgut ungrouped iron
  • Udei Station, Silicated Iron
  • Unclassified Ordinary Chondrites
  • Vaca Muerta Mesosiderite
  • Whitecourt IIIAB Iron
  • Zagora 006 Brecciated Eucrite
  • More odds and ends coming.

    Note: If you find all or most items in a catagory are sold, then please inquire. We probably have more that is not listed or can be cut.

    Mars Meteorites Here!
    (reasonable price too!)

    We have a Display Stands Page.
    Visit our meteorite Preservation and Repair page.

    _________________ What's new at the Meteorite Market:

    Check out our
    Type Table

    (one of our
    most popular

    Chelyabinsk, Russia, February 15, 2013

    We sell Membrane Boxes!

    Meteorites have been a collectable since people found the very first one--or saw it fall. Our guarantee: If you buy a meteorite from us and decide you don't want it--for any reason,we will buy it back after a reasonable amount of time for whatever you paid.

    The owner of the Meteorite Market, Eric Twelker, is a member of the Meteoritical SocietyIMCA #4704, the Geological Society of America, and American Institute of Professional Geologists, CPG 6082.


    Please . . . send us an e-mail . . .

    Tell us what you think of The Meteorite Market. Tell us what you would like to see. Tell us what are we doing right or wrong. Thanks. We Offer Personal Service . . . find out more about us, our goals and guarantees.

    Solution Graphics
    We ship anywhere!
    Click here to see a list of the countries where Meteorite Market customers live.


    Welcome to the farm . . . .

    The Meteorite Market is brought to you by the Twelker family of Port Townsend, Washington. When it comes to the web, we are self-taught. We hope you will indulge the rough edges here and there. If you have any questions you may contact us by phone at 1-907-723-9895 or by mail at P.O. Box 844, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA, or at meteoritemarket@gmail.com. We prefer that you email. If you want to call, please do so at reasonable hours during Pacific Time (3 hours earlier than US Eastern). A confirming email would help us keep things straight. Thanks!

    If you are using this contact information to ask for help with a meteorite you found, please see this important note. If you text a photo of a meteorite to the above phone number, you will be blocked.

    If you want to know more about the people behind the Meteorite Market click here.

    Here is my personal page.

    Can a Horizontal Astronomical Driving Force and an Independent Vertical Convective Force Explain Global Tectonics?(~11MB)


    Check out our fainting goat kids!

    Our last update was January 23, 2025
