For Sale IconImilac Pallasite Meteorites for Sale

Location: Atacama Desert, Chile; 24º 12.2'S, 68º 48.4'W

Found: 1822 (known before this date)

Type: Pallasite (main group)

Description: Analysis of Metal: 9.9% Ni, 21.1 ppm Ga, 46.0 ppm Ge, 0.071 ppm Ir.

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database.

Before the "Meteorite Men," there was the Meteorite Market . . . a few photos and samples from our January 2010 trip to Chile.

Click on the photo to see a larger photo. Click here to put your selection on our order form. Click here for more information or photos.

# IC-micro #IC3-42 #IC8-82 #IC46-2 About Scale:  Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: ~1 gm Weight: 3.4 gm Weight: 8.8 gm Weight: 46.2 gm
Features: Fragment, shipped in small membrane box. Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice
Price: $10 Price: sold Price: sold $2777

#IC71-51 #IC129-6 #IC132-3 #IC150-1
Weight: 71.5 gm Weight: 129.6 gm Weight: 132.3 gm Weight: 150.1 gm
Features: Crusted individual Features: Crusted individual Features: Crusted individual Features: Crusted individual
sold $2338 sold $2707