For Sale IconCamel Donga Eucrite Achondrite Meteorites for Sale

Location: Near Camel Donga, on the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia, Australia.
30°19'S., 126°37'E.

Found: 1984, January.

Classification: Stone. Achondrite, Ca-rich. Eucrite (monomict) AEUC.

Description: The first stone weighing 503 g was found by Mrs. J.C. Campbell. A further 11 stones were found within 1 km of the original site by B. Mason and W H. Cleverly in July, 1985. Other stones have since been found.

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database.

# CAM2-73 # CAM2-9 # CAM3-01 #CAM3-44 About Scale:  Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: 2.7 gm Weight: 2.9 gm Weight: 3.0 gm Weight: 3.4 gm
Features: Individual,  100% crusted. Features: Individual,  70% crusted. Features: Individual,  80% crusted. Features: Individual,  75% crusted.
sold sold sold $119

# CAM3-51 #CAM5-6 # CAM6-21 # CAM6-31 # CAM11-2
Weight: 3.5 gm Weight: 5.6 gm Weight: 6.2 gm Weight: 6.3 gm Weight: 11.2 gm
Features: Individual,  75% crusted. Features: Individual,  95% crusted. Features: Individual,  100% crusted. Features: Individual,  100% crusted. Features: Individual,  100% crusted.
$123 sold sold sold $400

# CAM11-5 # CAM20-7 #CAM23-9 # CAM30-4
Weight: 11.5 gm Weight: 20.7 gm Weight: 23.9 gm Weight: 30.4 gm
Features: Individual,  80% crusted. Features: Individual,  99% crusted. Features: Individual,  95% crusted. Features: Individual,  99% crusted.
$400 sold sold sold